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A Message From Sinai Health System Leadership

Since our amalgamation, Sinai Health has focused on leveraging our collective expertise to create a system that responds to the changing needs of our patients and the evolving health-care landscape. Built on the premise of serving patients across the continuum by integrating acute, rehabilitative and community-based care, Sinai Health is well-positioned to partner in advancing our government’s vision for a totally reinvented patient experience.

To advance our mandate, we must invest in our people, who deliver care and create possibilities across our hospitals and research institute. This year saw us undertake the important work of discovering our shared purpose and values, which our employees, learners, physicians, scientists and volunteers all contributed to shaping. We engaged broadly and deeply, and together we have defined our purpose and values and ultimately, our culture for the thousands who work, volunteer and learn every day across Sinai Health. Alongside the advancements being made through our People Plan and Academic Practice Strategy, we are providing our people with the supports needed to confidently enter into planning for our next Strategic Plan 2020-25' — realizing the promise of Sinai Health.

The quality of care we provide our patients and clients continues to be our top priority. That priority was firmly underscored this year with Circle Care being awarded Exemplary Standing by Accreditation Canada, with a perfect score of 100 per cent. We know that excellent care begins with quality, safety and accountability, and within our hospitals our Quality Aims continue to help us drive performance and enhance patient care.

This has been an intensely rewarding year of exciting initiatives that are yielding remarkable results, making us stronger and helping drive our growth. As you flip through the pages of this Report to the Community, we hope you will be as inspired and proud of our many accomplishments as we are.

We are immensely grateful to our extraordinary team of employees, learners, physicians, scientists and volunteers. None of these accomplishments would be possible without their passion and drive for delivering exceptional patient care across Sinai Health.

Translating our vision into reality cannot happen without the support of dedicated and engaged Board and Committee leadership. We are extremely fortunate to have the calibre of volunteer leadership for Sinai Health that we do, and we thank them for their contributions.

And our heartfelt thanks to our donor community. Their ongoing support and generosity allows us to put our patients first and realize our vision of being Canada’s leading integrated health system.

This has been another solid year of progress across our hospital, research and home care environments. In creating value for patients, caregivers and through being an active participant in our rapidly evolving health-care system.

Brent S. Belzberg, C.M. Chair, Board of Directors
Sinai Health System

Dr. Gary Newton President & CEO
Sinai Health System

What's Inside

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